Tushaanal Fires of Dry Grass

World Premiere: september 8, 2011, The Southern Theater (Minneapolis, MN).

Tushaanal choreographs stories of the systemic violence associated with the mining control, and distribution of gold. Here, gold signifies itself specifically, and also invokes the “conflict minerals,” tungsten, tatalum, tin, and gold, mining for which has caused a trail of destruction in many communities, including mass rapes in Congo, the forced eviction by police of families in Papua, New Guinea, and the continued violence of apartheid in South Africa. Gold is also currency, a status symbol that leads to unnecessary dowry deaths in South Asia. Tushaanal, “fires of dry grass” that are difficult to put out and, metaphorically, fires of an inconsolable affliction, brings these different stories together and asks audiences and performers to rethink the value they place on such elements and critique the practices that surround their production.

Running Time: 90 minutes, without intermission

Concept & Choreography

Ananya Chatterjea

stage direction

Marcus Young

scenic and costume design

Annie Katsura Rollins

musicians / vocalists

Laurie Carlos
Mankwe Ndosi
Pooja Goswami Pavan
Michelle Kinney

music composition & sound design

Greg Schutte

lighting design

Mike Wangen


Sarah Beck-Esmay
Ananya Chatterjea
Renée Copeland
Kenna Cottman
Alexandra Eady
Gina Kundan
Lela Pierce
Brittany Radke
Mette Towley
Chitra Vairavan
Hui Niu Wilcox
Nagest Woldeamanuale

(See “resources” below for full playbill)



Moreechika: Season of Mirage (2012)


Kshoy!/Decay! (2010)